
北京兴基伯尔曼 神秘麋鹿探寻之旅

北京兴基伯尔曼 神秘麋鹿探寻之旅


  北京兴基铂尔曼饭店为感谢各界媒体朋友的帮助与支持,特别推出了神秘麋鹿 探寻之旅特惠套餐。让您在感受铂尔曼饭店周到服务、舒适住宿、丰盛美食和休闲娱乐之余,畅游麋鹿苑-这个中国特有的“四不象”的发源和回归之地、昔日皇家猎苑、北京仅存湿地。您亦可领略到古老而神秘动物 - 麋鹿的卓然风彩和多种散养的珍惜动物。

  特惠一: 人民币238元 + 15%服务费即可入住高级间一晚,享受双人自助早餐,双人畅游麋鹿苑。
  特惠二: 人民币298元 + 15%服务费即可入住高级间一晚,享受双人自助早餐,自助午餐一份,双人畅游麋鹿苑。
  特惠三: 人民币358元 + 15%服务费即可入住高级间一晚,享受双人自助早餐,自助午餐和自助晚餐各一份(如没有自助晚餐我们会提供100元店内餐饮消费额),双人畅游麋鹿苑。
  * 以上特惠套餐请提前预订,房间确认需视客房出租情况,有效期至:2009年9月30日(限周末)。
  * 以上特惠套餐仅限各界媒体朋友享用并需在入住登记时出示相关证件或名片。

  咨询或预订,请致电预定部。电话+86 (0) 10 8722 8888 分机8177 / 8178 或者发送电子邮件至: h7025-re1@accor.com 中国北京亦庄经济技术开发区荣华南路12号 邮政编码:100176

  A cold winter has gone and the weather is becoming warmer and warmer. Spring is a delightful season. The temperatures are moderate, and the blooming trees and flowers make the city bright with colors. Are you tired of the hustle and bustle of city life and want to breathe fresh air r? Are you curious about the most spectacular natural scenery in Beijing?

  On behalf of Pullman Beijing South all the staff and the management team, we warmly promote a Exciting Outing Package for Weekend at Milu Park. It was valid to all Medias to thank your support for Pullman Beijing South in terms of media request. We warmly invite you to seek a truly comfort and quality experience in accommodation and dining, as well as enjoy our unique restaurants and bar at Pullman Beijing South. In addition free to visit Milu Park to enjoy the vibrant natural life. At Milu Park you are not only can view the ancient and mysterious Milu, but also to take a pleasure trip for the only and the last historical wetlands in Beijing.

  In order to meet our activity, we are delighted to offer this attractive Promotion Package on following:
  Special Offer 1: RMB238 + 15% surcharge gets you a Superior Room with two complimentary daily buffet breakfast and free tour to Milu Park.
  Special Offer 2: RMB298 + 15% surcharge gets you a Superior Room, two complimentary daily buffet breakfasts, one buffet lunch and free tour to Milu Park.
  Special Offer 3: RMB358 + 15% surcharge gets you a Superior Room with two complimentary daily buffet breakfast, one buffet lunch and dinner ( if no buffet dinner we offer RMB100 meal allowance), and free tour to Milu Park.
  * All above prices are valid until September 30, 2009 and reservations are subject to room availability.
  * Above packages are only valid to all Medias and relative ID card or business card are required upon check-in.

  Welcome to our hotel having an excellent experience, enjoying your spare time with us. For more information, contact Reservations Department on +86 (0) 10 8722 8888 ext. 8177 / 8178 or via email: h7025-re1@accor.com .

